Earth Day 2015 and naturism.

Today, Weds 22 April 2015 is Earth Day. Started in 1970 as one of the first pro-environmental organisations, it celebrates it’s 45th anniversary. Climate change, the environment, green energy, sustainable energy, pollution and the burning of excessive fossil fuels is something we are all aware about today but back in 1970 is was probably not high on most peoples agendas.

As a committed naturist with a profound love for nature, the environment and our planet Earth, I feel very connected with green issues. I use public transport, I’m passionate about recycling, I home compost and grow flowers and vegetables using compost made from our own kitchen waste, I try not to use excessive amounts of electricity or water…..a lot of these things we can all do to help our environment. 

I believe as naturists we are more ‘connected’ and aware of our environment, we feel more protective of our open spaces and ready to protect and fight for them. 

Perhaps by linking together in some way both naturism and love of the environment and green issues we can promote our clothes free life in a more passionate, positive way to our textile friends?

Enjoy life, enjoy being naked, enjoy our environment and most of all enjoy our planet Earth and let’s never take our beautiful home planet for granted.

More info about Earth Day can be found at:


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